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Updated: 2024-05-15

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Monday, December 18, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Monday, December 18, 2023

We had a reasonable sleep with the family in Lat Krabang.

Pia wants to go to Suan Phueang in Ratchaburi today, and not tomorrow, so after coffee we look for hotels together on the internet.
We can only book the first hotel that seems good via Agode, and that goes well until the last step, we have to wait for confirmation, and it never comes.
We look further and finally find a resort with good reviews and a not too high price and probably also some restaurants nearby, the Golden View Resort, where we book a room via Booking.com. The hotel also has a restaurant and the booking is without breakfast.

The route we want to drive is via Thanon Rama II to Thanon Phetchkasem, but Kaeng claims that driving via Nakhon Pathom is a lot faster. He drives to Nakhon Pathom every day so he should know, we follow his advice.

We leave at about eleven o'clock and it is busy, quite busy, and we wonder whether this route is indeed faster.
At about 3 o'clock we arrive at our destination and we are a bit shocked, an abandoned resort with what appears to be old bungalows at first glance, 300 meters from the main road. And there are not many restaurants nearby.
We receive a friendly welcome, and we can choose which bungalow, not a room, we want. We are told that it is only busy here, in the whole of Suan Phueang, on weekends. That is why the resort's restaurant is closed and in the morning we get coffee and rice soup or bread, even though we have not booked that.

We look at two bungalows, they look quite good inside, spacious and clean, and we choose the bungalow with a bath, not because of the bath but because the bathroom there is spacious.
We missed lunch along the way and that is why we want to walk to the main road to eat something. There is a steakhouse next to the hotel, but it is only open on weekends, which is a pity. Pia thinks it is too warm to walk, so we walk back and continue with the car. We finally stop, along the main road within walking distance of the hotel, at ครัวตะนาวศรี Café & Eatery where we have a tasty meal. Then we get some beer at 7/11 and go back to the bungalow, there is no nightlife here.

Written on: 2023-12-23


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